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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Don't Throw Your Expired Coupons Out! Support Overseas Military Families...

There is nothing worse than finding the coupon you need and discovering that it has expired!

If you're an avid couponer, you know the heartache of having to throw a money-saving coupon in the garbage.

Well, just because you can't use them doesn't mean that someone else can't. (What's that saying? One man's trash is another man's treasure.) Before you toss your expired coupons in the trash, consider mailing them to military families overseas instead.

Military commissaries overseas accept manufacturer cents-off coupons for up to six months past their printed expiration dates. So, while those coupons may be useless to you, you can actually help overseas families save money.
This would be a FANTASTIC community service project (i.e. Girls Scouts, MOPS, School clubs, Church groups) -- even if you just send them on your own, you are still supporting and helping those families.

First, you'll want to contact the military base to see if they have a preference on how you send the coupons. Neatly clip your coupons into 'Food' and 'Non-food' categories before you send them. I believe Parcel Post is cheapest, although it will definitley take the longest so make sure the coupons aren't more than a couple of months expired.

I highly encourage you to get a group together to start supporting our overseas military families!

Visit the Overseas Coupon Program homepage for additional details...


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