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Friday, October 31, 2008

Eat This Halloween Candy, Not That!

Men's Health just sent out an article comparing all the sugary treats that your kids will likely get in their little pumpkins tonight. And, who are we kidding, the parents are likely to snag some of those treats. :)

After reading this article, I was shocked to find out exactly how much sugar is in all those goodies. I knew that candy was primarily made up of sugar, but seeing the actual numbers sometimes serves as a wake up call.

To read the complete article and to see which treats you should avoid, click HERE for the whole story.

I would love to hear how everyone combats the candy stash that your kids drag home. Do you toss it? Ration it or eat it all yourself? :)

Happy Halloween!


  1. www.simplemom.net just posted about this today with some great tips. Personally, we don't go out too long, so by the time I get home, I take out some of our favorites and dump the rest into the hand-out bucket and instead of giving out one piece of candy, the last of the trick or treaters get handfuls. Let them be sugared-up, as long as my kids won't be!!!

  2. Loved simplemom's article... some great tips. Great idea, Katie, to load up the last trick-or-treaters! In our area, those tend to be the middle-school kids who will be thrilled get handfuls! :) I think we'll do that tonight. Thanks!
