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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Farmer's Market

Our local Farmer's Market started last week!!!

It probably starts much earlier in other (cooler) parts of the States, but we are just ecstatic to have ours nearby.

We love the Farmer's Market for many reasons:
  • We get to support local farmers - I'd rather give my money to my hardworking neighbors.

  • The produce is usually organic - It may not state 'organic' but a lot of the produce is grown without the use of pesticides. There's a hefty pricetag for farmers who choose to be "certified."

  • It is usually cheaper than the grocery store where prices are marked up to pay for the gas/mileage, workers, etc. used to get the produce there (so, way more Eco-friendly).

  • It's a social experience - I rarely talk to anyone but my toddler at the grocery store. At the Farmer's Market you can gab with all kinds of folk!
I highly encourage everyone to bring your kids along to pick out their favorite produce. This is a great way to get outdoors and let them have an active role in their nutrition. You will likely find other hidden gems at your local Farmer's Market such as fresh breads, jams, and fresh flowers.

Find a local Farmer's Market or Grocery Co-Op!


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