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Monday, October 13, 2008

Free Care Packages Sent to Deployed Marines

This extra-special post is for deployed Marines courtesy of The Care Package Project. The Care Package Project™ is an Outreach Program of MarineParents.com, Inc.

Free Care Package - "If you are the family member or friend of a combat deployed Marine, you can request a package to be sent to your Marine. There is no charge; this is a FREE service for Marines and their families. Packages are shipped five times each year: early January, mid-March, early June, mid-August and late October. For a list of actual shipping dates, click here.

To request a care package for your Marine, complete the form below. Your Marine's overseas mailing address will never be given to a third party. Your name and contact information will never be given to a third party. If we have questions about the address you have provided that we are not able to resolve, a representative will contact you."


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