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Monday, October 6, 2008

Halloween Costumes on the Cheap

Last year I bought my daughter's Halloween costume off eBay. I admit I went a little (OK, a lot) over my budget.

At the time my almost-2-year-old was really lovin' peacocks so, of course, it only seemed fitting that she would dress-up as a peacock. I probably could have come up with a really cute homemade version for a fraction of the cost, but I saw this one from Baby Style and fell in love!

I found it on eBay with the orange tights and darling chicken feet slippers for about half the cost and my proud little peacock paraded around the neighborhood in search for her treats. We could probably re-sell it on ebay and recoup all costs, but we're going to hang on to it for a while (it's so stinkin' cute).

This year, however, little Miss Priss, wants to be a "Pollen Jock" (ya' know, from The Bee Movie?). I am making her costume this year - a little more girly version. I plan on making a yellow and black tutu, throwing on a black leotard, black and yellow striped tights, wings and antennae. This should save a few bucks... (Look below for more Pollen Jock costume tips.)

I got to thinking how expensive Halloween costumes can be and how many young girls' costumes look like they were designed by pedophiles *shudders*. It seems silly when kids wear them once to invest a lot of money. To help cut the costs, many parents recycle costumes from year-to-year and child-to-child, or shop on eBay or resale shops.

Other crafty mamas try their hand and imagination at making their own. This can save a lot of money as you probably already have most of the items at home.

Over at Robin's FYI, she lists a TON of super-cute and unique costume ideas. Some of the costume ideas include: The American Tourist, Hippy, Miss America, Bubble Bath, and a Basket of Laundry!

Here are a few other resources for homemade, cheap costumes:

Budget 101: Homemade Costumes

Child Fun: Halloween Costumes

**UPDATE** I've had several e-mails from other moms looking to make actual Pollen Jock costumes for their lil' darlings. Here are a couple ideas to craft one yourself:

  • Paint yellow stripes on to a black long-sleeved shirt and wear black leggings/pants and black shoes.

  • Stuff the shirt with pillows or batting to make "muscles."

  • If you can find a black leather jacket or other black jacket, this would be perfect!

  • Make your own nectar pack with a painted cardboard box and a vacuum cleaner hose. You can use some inexpensive elastic to make arm holes so your child can wear it over his/her wings.

  • Make some wings with wire and black pantyhose.

  • Paint an old helmet black (one with a face shield) and attach pipe cleaner antennae to the top and a "microphone" as a mouthpiece.

  • If you can't find a helmet with a face shield, you could always wear some faux Ray Ban sunglasses.

  • Check out your local thrift/second-hand stores for inexpensive find for making the perfect costume without breaking the bank.
Here's a picture I found to help you out...


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