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Friday, November 21, 2008

Health Buzz: FREE Vitamin D

So many doctors are recommending taking Vitamin D, particularly during this flu season. Our family has always had good luck (knock on wood) staying healthy during the flu season by keeping our hands clean, eating healthy, avoiding sugar, and taking vitamin D.

Get some free Vitamin-D to get you started and to keep you healthy:

* Free 14-Day Supply form Nature Made - NOTE: This is for new Nature Made members.

* Other great sources of vitamin D include: Salmon, Cod liver oil, Egg yolk, milk, and SUNSHINE!

Click HERE to read about the daily recommended dosage and all the health benefits.

Here are some great articles on the benefits of Vitamin D:

* Sunshine, Vitamin D May Prevent Influenza

* Vitamin D vs. Flu Shot

* Dr. Mercola's article on Avoiding the Flu Shot and Taking Vitamin D


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