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Friday, December 5, 2008

Getting Crafty for Christmas

My daughter LOVES any arts and crafts project. Christmas is a great time to put her art skills to work while making decorations for our home and gifts for her grandparents.

Here are a few of our favorites that we're working on...

* Advent Wreath

* Angel made with Handprint/Footprint and Poem

* Puzzle Piece Picture Frame Magnet

* Dog Biscuits for Buster

* Santa Mask - Cutting out eyes and adding elastic to fit her noggin

* Apple Cinnamon Ornaments - These are so easy and smell AWESOME!

* Cotton Ball Snowman - My dd loves drawing snowman (with arms, legs, feet, ears, a belly button and curly hair)- now we've just covered his body with glue and cotton balls and glitter snow. FUN!

* CD Ornaments - Turning an old CD into an adorable ornament... These are too cute and thrifty! I love them!


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