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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The 1,001 Day Project

When I read about the 101 Things in 1,001 Days Challenge, I was immediately intrigued. It took me a while to come up with my list -- it's harder than you think! But here I go, 101 things to accomplish in 1,001 days. (I can totally do this... fingers crossed.)

Thanks for the inspiration, Katie! ;)
(Check out Katie's post and the list of her goals over at Three Blondes and a Redhead!)

Follow me on my journey over the next 2.75 years as I do my best to complete my goals. Some of more trivial than others but, nonetheless, they are all things that mean something to me.

The Mission:

Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1,001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

* Will get to it
* In progress
* ALL DONE (Whew!)

  1. Go to church every Sunday for 3 months in a row – no excuses!
  2. Teach Miss E for a full 2 hrs./day and keep a diary of her progress.
  3. Take vitamins and supplements every day.
  4. Get a new comforter set.
  5. Clean out closet and donate all clothes that are too small, too big, too old, and too ugly.
  6. Buy at least 7 new outfits that make me feel fabulous.
  7. Perform at least one random act of kindness every day for one month.
  8. Get caught up on scrapbooking (finally!).
  9. Take at least one picture every day to document our year. (Thanks, Katie!)
  10. Buy new lampshades for master bedroom.
  11. Walk 30 min./6 days a week for 2 months straight.
  12. Moisturize every night.
  13. Make/compile home videos for Miss E.
  14. Gather and keep track of a one-year stockpile.
  15. Re-plant the vegetable garden and keep alive for at least 6 months. (Planted...it's thriving!!)
  16. Enroll in one class a year just for me.
  17. Complete “I want you to know me books.
  18. Have a date night at least once a month.
  19. Go to the park once a week.
  20. Have another baby and/or become a foster parent.
  21. This one is coming off the list for now...
  22. Get new office furniture and sell current furniture.
  23. Go to Disneyland for 3-5 days (yearly).
  24. Go to Germany and London for 2 weeks.
  25. Go to Wisconsin for 3 weeks (yearly).
  26. Go to Vegas with Jessie (no kids)!
  27. Commit to strength training for 3 days/week for 1 month straight.
  28. Floss every day for one month.
  29. Create a family recipe scrapbook.
  30. Take miss E out for a girls’ day once a week(no errand running). (We'll keep this one up!)
  31. Go for a spa day with Tonya twice a year.
  32. Organize scrapbook supplies.
  33. Make a family tree.
  34. Figure out if Jessie and I are related. ;)
  35. Organize kitchen cabinets.
  36. Attend a marriage conference with Kenny every year.
  37. Read one new book a month. Will continue but maybe every 3 months.
  38. Journal my favorite memories.
  39. Join a women’s bible study for one year.
  40. Take a new family picture.
  41. Update our will.
  42. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  43. Give Ele swimming lessons.
  44. Get back to teaching!Also coming off the list for now...we're homeschooling for now.
  45. Be consistent about teaching Ele Spanish and German. Love hearing her speak German!
  46. Give my husband one compliment every day for one week.It was a good week. ;)
  47. Save $5/week for Miss E’s savings.
  48. Create a family mission statement and frame it. (Great one, Katie!)
  49. Do the “Love Dare.”
  50. Bake with Ele once a week and take the goodies to a new neighbor.
  51. Play with Buster for 15 minutes a day.
  52. Pray for distant family members every week.
  53. Teach Ele a new worship song every month.
  54. Teach Ele how to dial 9-1-1, when, and why.
  55. Offer to watch someone else’s kids.
  56. Write my dad a note listing the top 100 reasons why he means the world to me.
  57. Take my dad on a date.
  58. Paint outside of house (hire brother to do it).
  59. Bring the grocery totes every time to the store for 3 months.
  60. Take Miss E bowling.
  61. Write Miss E a book of advice for when she gets older.
  62. Give myself a homemade facial every week for 3 months. I will definitely keep this one up!
  63. Give myself a manicure/pedicure every month.
  64. Do a self-breast exam every month.
  65. Donate all old books and videos to the library.
  66. Get a minivan. (So much more practical than the Audi.)
  67. Make bread once a month in bread maker.
  68. Make a childhood scrapbook for my brother.
  69. Give up sweets (dessert) for one month.
  70. Get a new cell. phone.
  71. Complete at least one more 1/2 or full marathon.
  72. Make a CD of Miss E singing her favorite songs.
  73. Donate a week’s worth of food twice a year.
  74. Put new screens on all the windows.
  75. Buy and install new screen doors.
  76. Plant new plants out front. They're already dying... I may have to revisit this one.
  77. Re-do laundry room. My dad's AWESOME!!
  78. Buy myself some perfume and wear it on date nights.
  79. Buy new dishes.
  80. Buy all new towels.
  81. Make 5 new cards every month for one year (birthday, holiday, etc.).
  82. Organize cookbooks and spice cabinet.
  83. Try one new recipe every week for six months.
  84. Clean, organize, and shred files.
  85. Go to bed at 10:00pm every night for one week.
  86. Update first aid and emergency kits.
  87. Put Miss E’s birth video on DVD and hide in the safe!
  88. Buy a food dehydrator and make own fruit & veggie chips.
  89. Get my eyes checked and get new glasses.
  90. See the TMJ doctor.
  91. Note to self: Quit chewing gum. Duh!
  92. Get Miss E a loft bed.
  93. Dust ceiling fans and baseboards twice a month.
  94. Clean up computer (files, iTunes, hard drive, memory, etc.).
  95. Do a colon cleanse. Just "finishing up." (ewww, I know. lol)
  96. Make homemade yogurt at least once.
  97. Love the idea, but I'm not sure I felt it was worth all the time I spent on it.
  98. Install a whole house water purifier and softener.
  99. Mail expired coupons every month to Overseas coupon program.
  100. Send in-laws in Germany weekly pictures/videos via email.
  101. Ask in-laws and parents to watch Ele at least once/month.
  102. Write in prayer journal once/week.
  103. Put together a year of Weekly Menus with recipes and shopping lists.
  104. Say prayers with Ele and husband every morning and night.
  105. Always.


  1. 6. Oh girl. I bought new jeans last year when I felt like "post breast-feeding frumpy-mom" and EVERYDAY became an outfit that made me feel fabulous. Two words: The Buckle. Spend $100 on one amazing pair of jeans and you'll never go back. (the little 19 year old employees will help you find the perfect pair for your body...trust me on this)

    8. You scrapbook? Did I know this? Do we need to get together for a scrapbooking night?!?!?

    60. Oooh, this is a good one. I love the "book of advice" idea. I know it's morbid, but what if you die young and Kenny doesn't remarry?!?! You'll want your kids to know your best tips.

    93. You had the guts to put "colon" in your list! I was a wimp and just put "cleanse" then had people ask me what it was. :)

  2. We have # 7, 18 and 20 in common! My list isn't posted yet, but it will be soon...

    Thanks for the family tree idea! I love it! I want Marlee to have one, cause I don't even know half of my relatives...just from living so far away from them.

    And if you don't mind sharing...how do you make a cd of someone singing/reading...I would love to have my mom record some cds of her reading books, so she can read a bedtime story to Marlee...we don't live in the same town! I would love your help!


  3. BethAnne CountrymenJune 25, 2009 at 2:55 PM

    I just happen to find your website and love it! I love this idea and am also going to get started on my list!!
    #96 I was just wondering what this Overseas coupon program is...

    Thanks for the great blog!

  4. Hi BethAnne! The overseas coupon program is an organization that's free to join and you send your expired coupons to US military bases overseas since they can use them at their commissionaries for up to 6 months after the exp. date. I wrote more about it here:


  5. BethAnne CountrymenJuly 10, 2009 at 4:35 PM

    Thanks for the information. I always feel so bad about throwing away all of those coupons I never use!


  6. I've been visiting your blog forever and just noticed you're doing this project as well! We have a few "things" to do in common. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has trouble flossing every single day, LOL. Are you still continuing this? I noticed it'd been a while since you've made a post on your progress. I'm really interested to see what else you've done.

  7. Oh my, Shawna... I am so embarrassed to say that I have totally put this list (and most of the things on it) on the back burner. I am so glad you "reminded" me since I haven't even peeked at it in over 5 months! Terrible. We started homeschooling and my dad's chemo and life just spiraled out of control. I'm going to give myself 2 months to accomplish at least 3 things on the list! :)

    How's your list coming?? I wish I had the countdown clock set up so it would motivate me!
