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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Always Check Your Children's Homework...

Mommy works at Home Depot; she was selling a shovel.
(However, now the school thinks Mommy is a pole dancer.)

lol -- I needed a good laugh.
This reminds me of all the funny (and scary) things my students would tell me!
My daughter has said some pretty embarrassing things (too personal to share).
Has your child ever said anything to make you turn red?


  1. OMG that was hilarious. Before I read your comment, I was thinking, "Bank teller? Pole dancer? Why are all of those people walking toward mommy with MONEY" This is about the funniest thing I've ever seen.

  2. I agree with Katie, whose blog I'm coming over from. That is too funny. I would have died from embarassment or laughing too hard, one or the other!

  3. Oh no!! I would type up a letter of explanation and send it to my child's school. Wow!
