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Friday, January 16, 2009

Tag Reading System & Books @ Safeway - 75% Off!

When I found out that Safeway stores had the Tag Reading System (reg. $49.99) on sale for $12.50 and the books that go along with it (reg. $14.99 each) for $3.50, I immediately searched my near by Safeway. Since they were all out, I put a call into my mother to check her nearby store and sure enough they were there!

She said they didn't have the discounted price on them (Still said $49.99 and $14.99) but she asked and confirmed that they were 75% off. I'm guessing that it will be hit or miss with the selection, but she was able to get the system plus 3-4 books for it for under $30. You could probably call ahead to Safeway stores...

Here's what the Tag Reading System by Leapfrog is all about - Tag Reader.


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