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Friday, February 6, 2009

1,001 Day Project Update

Although I'm off to a slow start with my 101 goals for the 1,001 Day Project, I have managed to knock a few things off my list...

#17 Complete “I want you to know me” books - This was really important to me and I'm so glad I did it. Just waiting on hubby to do his part. ;)

#31 Organize Scrapbook Supplies - It's been so long since I've cracked open those drawers. I tossed so much stuff, but it felt good. Now I just need to get scrappin'.

#34 Organize Kitchen Cabinets - Finally. I don't get, though, why my Tupperware lids keep disappearing.

#53 Teach Ele how to dial 9-1-1, when, and why - I figured 3 years old was a good age to teach this. I'm always paranoid that something will happen and she'll be left all alone. I used this site for guidance. There was also this video/song on You Tube but it just wasn't my style. I'm sure this re-teaching will happen a few times a week over the next few months and then reinforced again periodically.

#65 Get a minivan - That was fast, huh? So the story is: I drive (drove) an Audi and love it but it's just not practical for a (hopefully, growing) family. I wanted more space so I begged and begged dear hubby. :) Since our lease for the Audi is up next month, we went looking for a minivan. We got a great deal on a semi-used Sedona and even scored a 4-year full warranty. The best part is the money we will be saving every month! (Thanks, honey. I promise we'll go back to matching Audis one day.)

#81 Organize Cookbooks and Spice Cabinet

#86 Put Miss E's birth video on a DVD and hide in safe - This may sound weird but I loved giving birth. It was my favorite part of being pregnant! I had my mom videotape the birth so I could see it. It was... different. I don't want to hold viewing parties or anything but I am glad I have it on tape.

#93 Do a colon cleanse - I did the Colonix program by Dr. Natura and I liked it -- not too creepy. (NOTE: Do NOT go to the website if you're squirmy. The pictures are GROSS!! Nothing like that came out of me, FYI). Sorry if it's TMI, but I'm just an honest kind of gal. ;)

As for the rest of my goals... they're coming along. The ones in italics are in progress and I'm aiming to knock out a few more by next month.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anon, I've got a pretty good idea who you are from matching your comment time and location/ISP address. You have problems. Please get a life and some help with whatever is making you so bitter and crazed. Best wishes!
