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Asparagus .99lbMEAT:
Cuties Clementine 3lb bag $4.99ea
Use: Cuties, 3 lb. bag .55/1 (2-28-09) SS-2/1
FINAL PRICE: $4.44ea
Cantaloupe .99ea
Mushrooms- Baby Bella 8oz $1.99ea
Peaches or Nectarines .99lb
Potatoes- Red, 5lb bag $3.99ea
Strawberries 1lb $2.99ea
Tomatoes- On the Vine $2.99lb
Beef- London Broil, boneless $1.99lb
Beef- NY Steaks, boneless, family pack $4.97lb
Beef- Moran's Patties 80% Lean, sold in packs of 10 $1.00ea
Chicken- Breast Fillets or Tenders, Sanderson $2.99lb
Fish- Atlantic Salmon Fillet, Boneless, Farm Raised $3.77lb
Pork- Baby Back Ribs $3.99lb
Pork- Sirloin Chops, boneless $1.99lb
Pork- Spare Ribs $1.99lb
Hormel Natural Choice Lunchmeat 7-9oz $3.99ea
Oscar Mayer Delit Shaved Lunchmeat 7-9oz $3.49ea
Farmland Bacon $2.99ea
Albertsons Milk, gallon $1.58ea - limit 2 (HOT PRICE!)
Albertsons Eggs, large dozen .99ea - limit 2 (HOT PRICE!)
Yoplait Yogurt .50
Use: Yoplait Yogurt Cups or Smoothie, any .40/6 (2-28-09) SS3-1/4
Albertsons Cheese Shredded or Chunk 16oz B1G1F (save up to $5.99 on 2)
Kraft Singles 12oz $2.99ea
Oscar Mayer Fun Pack Lunchables $1.77ea
Coffee-mate Flavored Creamer 16oz $2.00
Use: Nestlé Coffee-Mate liquid or powder creamer, any .50/1 (4-5-09) SS2-1/4
FINAL PRICE: $1.50ea
Cool-Whip Aerosol $2.00
Albertsons Sour Cream 16oz $1.50ea
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese .50ea - limit 6FROZEN:
Ragu $1.50 - limit 6
Use: RagĂș Pasta Sauces, any .50/2 (3-29-09) RP-1/18
FINAL PRICE: $1.25ea
Kelloggs Cereal $3.00ea + Buy 3, Get 1 FREE
Use: Kellogg's Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, or Frosted Flakes Cereals, or Kellogg's Cereal Straws and/or Grab'N Go Cereal Packs, any flavor 5 oz. or larger $1.50/2 (3-1-09) RP-1/18
Kellogg's Smart Start, Rice Krispies, Crispix, Raisin Bran Crunch, Corn Flakes and/or Raisin Bran Cereals, any flavor 11.2 oz or larger $1.50/2 (3-1-09) RP-1/18
FINAL PRICE: $1.87ea when you buy 4, limit 1 reward per transaction
Hot or Lean Pockets $1.50 - limit 6
Birds Eye Steamfresh Vegetables $2.00
Use: Birds Eye Steamfresh Vegetable or Rice, any variety .35/1 (2-14-09) SS2-1/4
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