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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

FREE Ensure Drink and Coupons

I have posted about this one before, but it's still active so I thought I would share again for those who haven't already receive theirs...

Sign up at Ensure
to receive a coupon for a FREE single Ensure drink plus coupons for $ off a six-pack of Ensure. You can choose to either print your coupons or have them mailed to you.
I had mine mailed to me and it didn't take long to receive them.


  1. i tried printing the free ENSURE coupons from the ENSURE SITE but they DID NOT print.I then tried to have them send them via SNAIL MAIL but was told that the coupons had been printed.The ENSURE drinks are LITERALLY keeping my twin sister and I ALIVE.W called ourselves the SKELETWINS B-4 we started on the ENSURE.I have picked up almost 20 pounds,as has twin!We really need these supplements for our survival.How do I go about getting these coupons?My name is Kathy Howett @ Box 148A Rouse Rd.New Albany, Pa.18833.Any help is much appreciated.Thanks for any you can provide.

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