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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pillsbury 44th Bake-Off Contest

If you're a whiz at whipping up your own yummy treats or a pro at crafting your own culinary concoction, you may want to head on over to Pillsbury.com to enter the 44th Annual Pillsbury Bake-Off!

Sadly, I won't be entering (due to my lack of creativity and expertise) but I bet some of you are much better at creating a one-of-a-kind recipe. I have seen the bake-off played back on the Food Network, and it looks like so much fun!

Who wouldn't want a chance to win $1 Million?! Plus, there are plenty of other valuable prizes to score. Give it a shot -- I'd love it if a Good Deal Gal reader won!! :)

For those of us who aren't culinary geniuses , we can at least enjoy all the fabulous recipes from past bake-offs! :)


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