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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Boo, KFC!

*UPDATE: Hubby came home from work and he and several co-workers had no troubles redeeming their FREE meal Qs today. (Although KFC did royally screw up their orders, lol.)

Well, I haven't gone in to redeem my KFC FREE meal coupons yet, but reader Denise did and, although they are legitimate coupons, KFC is being difficult about it (see the video message from the pres. of KFC) ... She writes:

"We went to KFC tonight and they wouldn't let us use our coupons for the free 2 pc meal. They said that due to high demand (and something about chicken suppliers and demand) the company is issuing rain checks for the 2 pc. meal, plus a free drink. They have a form you fill out and attach the coupon to it. Our KFC is offering to mail them in for you. They said it will have a later expiration date on the rain check."

I understand that they probably have A LOT of FREE meals to give out, but come on. You posted on the Oprah Show, KFC -- what'd ya' expect? One word -- Prepare. I guess at least they're giving out rain checks, but what a pain!

Thanks for letting us know, Denise! If you have a similar or different experience with your coupons, let us know.

By the way, did you see that El Pollo Loco is honoring the coupons on Mother's Day? :)


  1. My husband tried to use a coupon after standing in line for 30 minutes (the girl at counter saw his coupon), once it was his turn she told him they were not taking internet coupons (hello that is the only way you could get them!!!) Then tells him he can come back next week and use it. He was so fed up and tired after working all day he told her he would not return at all.

  2. I stopped at my daughter's house and she mentioned she hadn't had dinner, so I gave her my coupon. She went to the local KFC and they rudely advised they were not taking them anymore and did not mention any other options (no coming back, no rain checks.) She too chose to eat somewhere else.

  3. I agree, Boo KFC.

    OK, so you advertise that you are giving away a free lunch on national television with one of, if not the most popular TV host in the world what did you expect? No one to take advantage of the offer?

    If they are not careful this marketing campaign could go really bad very fast.

    My advice KFC, honor your promise and serve the free chicken to who ever wants chicken for the next week, regardless of coupon.
