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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

FREE booklet: Talking Openly With Kids

There are scores of books for new parents or parents of toddlers, but none of these will prepare you for communicating with your pre-teen on the issues of peer pressure, sex, drugs, violence, and death.

Recognizing the signs of trouble in your children as well as understanding your own nonverbal messages are two areas necessary for establishing effective communication patterns. This booklet offers practical advice on how and when to address these subjects with your children.

Complete the brief form to order your FREE booklet, Talking Openly With Kids.

By the way, did you happen to catch the sad Oprah today about the bullying that goes on with kids? Parents, I highly encourage you to read and watch the segment HERE. You may think your child is fine and would never internalize stress or peer pressure to the point of suicide but, as a former teacher who is trained in child development, I promise you it can happen to any one of our kids.


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