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Monday, June 1, 2009

*CLOSED* June - Coupon Master Gift Card Giveaway

It's a new month, so we have a new Coupon Master Gift Card to give away!!

Each month for the entire year of 2009, one lucky reader will win a $5 gift card to The Coupon Master, an online coupon-clipping service.

Coupons On Thier Way to Your Door in 24 Hours

The Coupon Masters clip the coupons for you and searching/ordering for specific coupons is so easy! This is a good way to get lots of extra coupon for diapers, beauty products, your favorite household items, or you can even grab coupons to try new products. Over at TCM, you are not paying for the coupon but rather the time it took TCM to gather, cut and ship the coupons to you. They are absolutely wonderful, and it's so nice to build a stash of coupons that you'll actually use! I also love how I can get coupons that I don't normally get in my Sunday paper.

If you have never used a coupon clipping service before, here's a great chance to try it out. The winner will get a $5 gift card to "buy" a LOAD of coupons over at The Coupon Master. This will buy you a lot of coupons and save you a TON of money on things you actually need. For example, recently I was able to get tons of extra toilet paper and Kellogg's coupons for pennies each and I ended up with a pantry full of FREE toilet paper and cereal!

How to Enter:
  1. Leave a comment with your blog link or email telling me what coupons you are always in search of (i.e. baby items, canned goods, shampoo, toothpaste, or anything specific). Who knows? I may have something you need. :)
  2. On Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 at 8:00pm MST the contest will be closed. I will use Random.org to select one winner of a $5 Coupon Master's gift certificate.
  3. I will post the winner's name and he/she will have 48 hours to respond with a mailing address. (Please do not leave your mailing address in the comments section.) If I do not hear back from the winner within 48 hours, I will choose another winner.
Want MORE Entries?

You can earn up to 3 more entries by doing one or all of the following:

  1. Subscribe to The Good Deal Gal (Upper-right corner of homepage) and leave a comment telling me you're subscribed. If you're already subscribed, leave a separate comment telling me so.
  2. Grab my button (Left sidebar) and post on you blog. Come back and leave a comment letting me know it's there w/ a link to your blog. If it's already there, just leave a separate entry telling me so.
  3. Post this giveaway on your blog (a link back will do). Come back and leave a comment letting me know it's there w/ a link to your blog.
*** Be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry since I'll be using Random.org to pick the winners.

That's it! :) Good luck to everyone!

If you don't want to wait to see if you win, you can head over to The Coupon Master to check out all of the latest coupons.

Also, be sure to check out ALL the newly reloaded printable coupons at Coupons.com.


  1. I am looking for coupons for TAZO teas, RICE DREAM, DREAM frozen yoghurt and coconut and soy icecreams, hagan daz, Kashi products, Olive oil, and coconut oils.
    cathy b
    projecthope7 at gmail dot com

  2. I'm always looking for hummus coupons!

  3. I am always looking for coupons for the Nabisco snack packs. They are so easy to toss in lunches but so expensive without them.


  4. I love coupons for Kashi cereals, Playtex tampons, Loreal makeup, Cottonelle and Quilted nNorthern Toilet Paper, Lipton Tea, Edy's or Breyer's ice cream, Skinny Cow, Laughing Cow- just to name a few:-)

  5. I subscribe!

    rra101 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  6. http://reginatyler.blogspot.com/

    Your button!

  7. I'm looking for baby items like Luvs diapers, any brand of wipes, Earth's Best coupons, Target coupons, coffee and tea, toilet paper, cereal, any dry goods and toiletries, really.

    rra101 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. I'm always looking for Friskies cat food coupons, Kashi products coupons, Max Factor makeup coupons, baby shampoo coupons, and any brand of natural or organic peanut butter coupons.
    yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

  9. This is neat...I've never heard of The Coupon Master until I saw it on your blog. I use a lot of coupons for cereal, TP, shampoo but wouldn't mind having some for diapers & baby items to help stock our local pregnancy crisis center.

  10. homemade(at)slappe(dot)comJune 4, 2009 at 10:14 PM

    I am a subcriber and I love it!!

  11. Hi Rachael, thanks for your great idea! I'm a happy subscriber.

  12. I'm always looking for high value tp or paper towel coupons

  13. I am looking for ANY and ALL coupons. By the way, if anyone also runs a macintosh and has a few troubles at times and knows the trick, let me know!!

    popskiutah (dot) blogspot (dot) com
    popskiutah (at) hotmail (dot) com

  14. I've got your button on the right side bar of my blog.

    popskiutah (dot) blogspot (dot) com
    popskiutah (at) hotmail (dot) com

  15. I'm also a subscriber! WHOPPEEE!! Thanks good deal gal!

    popskiutah (dot) blogspot (dot) com
    popskiutah (at) hotmail (dot) com

  16. I just found out I'm expecting I could really use coupons on baby things.

    Thanks, gracie.duran@ymail.com

  17. I am always on the search for coupons for dairy!

    Great contest, thanks!


  18. I am always in search of products for feminine care- that stuff is costly!
    Also Glade, Febreze, laundry and softener products.
    pattidv at gmail dot com

  19. I subscribe to this newsletter

  20. homemade(at)slappe(dot)(com)June 19, 2009 at 8:04 AM

    I am a subcriber

  21. homemade(at)slappe(dot)(com)June 19, 2009 at 8:07 AM

    looking for toilet paper, batteries and pasta coupons.

  22. I'm always looking for Boca Burger and Morningstar Farms coupons.
    pkildow at gmail dot com

  23. I am always looking for coupons for spaghetti!

  24. I always look for coffee and tea coupons.

  25. I handle the coupon sorting, organizing for several households not just my own but I have three sister in laws who all want to learn couponing as well as my dad who is 87. i find the hardest coupons to find is actually stuff like MILK, baby food and meat. Everything else you can buy offbrand if no coupons are available

  26. I look for meat, produce, 100 Calorie Packs, and cereal. paulajomyers@yahoo.com
