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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MORE FREE Chicken from KFC

NOTE: If you are having trouble printing, go HERE (Oprah link) and print off as a .pdf!
Remember, you only have until 10:00 pm CDT on April 6th to print.

Get a FREE 2-piece KFC Grilled Chicken Meal, thanks to the Oprah Show! Use this printable coupon and get 2 pieces of chicken, 2 individual sides and a biscuit for FREE!! You can only print out the coupon until Wednesday but it's valid until 5/19/09, so get printing! (You can print more than once!!)

* Coupon available for printing from 9am CDT 5/5/09 to 9:59pm CDT 5/6/09. Coupon is redeemable at participating KFC® locations in the U.S. from 5/5/09 to 5/19/09, excluding 5/10/09.

NOTE: I couldn't find this coupon on the Oprah site so you may want to definitely call ahead before you head out. Thanks to Angel for pointing me to the Oprah link! ;)

Thanks Chelsey L. and Denise for the heads-up!

1 comment:

  1. Here's where it's at on the Oprah site...


