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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Old Navy Weekly Coupon Site

*UPDATE: Coupons are up! Here are your hints:
NOTE: Keep checking back because they may reload some time this week.

$60 off $100 (GONE) - Pick up the green bucket and dump water on family until the screen fills up with water
$45 off $100 (GONE) - Pick up spray can out of girl's hand (purple dress) and spray the girl with the dark hair and purple triangle top bathing suit. Do this twice.
$5 off $50 - Click on orange soda bottle (green tankini girl)
$10 off $50 - Move the head sitting in the sand to the headless manequin
$20 off $100 - Pick up the orange striped bag and drop it in the girl w/ the purple dress left hand.
$15 off $75 - Play the commercial and about 10 seconds into it click on the flip flop sign or Heather's belly

The new coupons will reset some time tonight, so keep OldNavyWeekly.com bookmarked. I'll try to check in later to spot the coupons...

Don't forget that this Saturday is $1 flip-flop day at Old Navy!

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