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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Old Navy Weekly Site: Coupons Refreshed

I had a feeling the coupons would be reset today... I kept checking last night before bed, but wouldn't you know it that they reset sometime early, early this morning (I hear it was around 3am EST)!

Of course the high value ($75 off) ones are gone, but you can still grab a few more:

* $5 off Adult/Kids Shorts - click on the dog's frisbee in his mouth

* 30% off - Put Josh's head (bottom right) on the mannequin without a head

* $10 off $50 - Click on the cup of ice w/ the mannequin with the blue polo. You'll have to click a lot before the coupon appears

* $5 off $25 - Move the blue umbrella out of the girl's drink (pink striped shirt) and put it behind the blonde girl's ear

* $5 off any swimwear - Slide the blonde mannequin (bottom right) over closer to the Josh mannequin

1 comment:

  1. Good Deal Gal,

    This week at OldNavyWeekly.com, we’ll have another fabulous coupon to hide, $60 off $100 purchase. We’ll also be releasing the coupons at different times like last week, so more of you have the chance at scoring one of these fabulous offers.
    In other exciting news: we’ll be introducing a “retrieve coupon” button that will let you resend a coupon to your inbox if you should lose it!

    Good luck and happy hunting!

    Nicole D.

    Brand Advocate working on behalf of Old Navy
