Two of my all-time favorite places to find the best bargains on name brand products are: T.J. Maxx and Marshalls. They always have the best selection of apparel, shoes, housewares, and even toys! So, when I was contacted to see if I wouldn't mind doing a review on these stores, I was thrilled and thought it would be a great challenge!
I have always had the best of luck at each of these stores finding designer labels and unique gifts at, literally, a fraction of the cost. In fact, the majority of our closet is filled with apparel, shoes, and handbags from T.J. Maxx and Marshalls. Our home decor, which receives many compliments, is mostly from both of these stores, and you'd be shocked at the prices I paid!
Since I have a T.J. Maxx just north of us and a Marshalls store just a bit south of our home, we had an exciting day shopping and found some great treasures!!
My goal for each of these stores was to spend $25 at each store and to stretch it as far as I could. This turned out to be a piece of cake since both stores have incredible prices.
At T.J. Maxx, I found an adorable Tommy Hilfiger bathing suit (reg. $98) for only $29 but I exercised some willpower since my goal was $25... who am I kidding? I'll probably go back for it this weekend! :)
I ended up getting a pair of YMI bermudas (the back pockets are too cute!) & an adorable super-soft top (the picture doesn't do them justice), a set of three gift bags (not shown), and a wooden lunchbox play food set for my daughter. I only spent $24.52! I added up the "compare at" prices and they totaled $103, so that's a savings of $78.48 on name-brand items!

At Marshall's, I found several pairs of 7 for All Mankind jeans (reg. $155+) for $59.99. I bypassed these since it was over my budget, BUT I scored BIG time in their Home Goods area!
I found these large handmade (in Italy) ceramic bowls for $5.99 each! I also spotted this Sigg-like water bottle for my daughter (reg. $14+) for $3.99 and an adorable cupcake sorting play set (shown above), which quickly became my daughter's new favorite toy! I got all this for $23.33!

I gotta tell you, I found plenty of things that I'd love to have (and will probably head back in for)! T.J. Maxx and Marshalls are both fabulous at bringing consumers quality items at a small fraction of the cost.
If you are looking to redecorate, need a great gift, looking for a new outfit, or just want to get your creative juices flowing, T.J. Maxx and Marshalls stores are great for finding excellent bargains!
To find a T.J. Maxx store near you, click HERE.
To find a Marshalls store near you, click HERE.
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