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Thursday, June 11, 2009

HOT DEAL: Amazon's Flip Camera Sale (Still Going On!)

We got our Flip camera in the mail last week and we are LOVING it!! The size is perfectly small and so convenient. Since the Flip Camera Sale is still going on (Wahoo!), I ordered a couple more for Father's Day gifts!
We got this Flip Camcorder that has 30 min. of recording time and, although the price went up by $5, it is a still STEAL at only $54.99 plus FREE Shipping (it is reg. priced at $149.99)!

It is worth EVERY penny and everyone I've spoken with who already has one, loves theirs but is jealous because we got such a smokin' deal. :)

I highly recommend the Flip video cameras! Check out all of them on sale HERE!

As we know, Amazon deals go quickly so jump on it while you can!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Ordered one for my Honey for Father's Day! What a great deal. I have a few friends who already own one and love theirs as well.

    Also, the Gevalia I ordered won't be coming. They cancelled the order and said the code I used was supposed to be direct mailed to specific people and it had been abused online. Oh well. Win some, lose some. Thanks for trying. :)
