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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

I am so excited to have been nominated by Diane at Mom to Monkeys for a Kreativ Blogger Award. Thanks so much, Diane! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. :)

Here are the rules of this Award:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
  2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
  3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
  4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
  5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
  6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
  7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
7 Interesting Things About Myself:
  1. I wore braces for 6 years as a child... Now, I grind my teeth, have TMJ and wear retainers at night (oooh, that's an attractive visual -- at least I got rid of the head gear).
  2. I am a night owl... I hate getting up in the morning -- total grouch.
  3. I worked as a waitress for 9 years through high school, college and my first year as a teacher. (It was a bakery and I ate whole pies for dinner every night I worked! Honest.)
  4. Although he's old enough to be my father, I have a HUGE crush on Dustin Hoffman. I fell in love when I watched Midnight Cowboy during a cinema class in college.
  5. I have OCD when it comes to wiping things down... it brings me comfort and relief to wipe up crumbs, dust, or to clean anything. I can't resist wiping the toilet paper dust off of the holders in people's bathrooms.
  6. Our dream is to live in a small cottage in London. One day. Sigh
  7. I don't have a favorite song or movie, but one of my favorite poems is "When I Say 'I am a Christian'" by Carol Wimmer.
I am nominating the following 7 Bloggers for the Kreativ Blogger Award:
There are so many great bloggers out there! Here's a few of my faves:
  1. Katie @ 3 Blondes and a Redhead
  2. Sarah @ The Thrifty Decor Chick
  3. Becca @ The Holt House
  4. Christina @ Northern Cheapskate
  5. Shellie @ Saving with Shellie
  6. Jessie @ This Blessed Nest
  7. Kim @ The TomKat Studio


  1. Thanks for the award! I'm honored!

    By the way - LOVE your new look!

  2. Thanks so much!! I love your list. I am the same way about wiping things. It makes me feel productive and good. :)
