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Friday, July 3, 2009

Kmart Double Coupons up to $2 This Week

Kmart does this every now and then, but you need to call ahead to your store to make sure they are participating. Doubling coupons up to $2 is a HUGE deal and makes for a lot of FREE items!
Your .25 coupons will double to .50 off... your .50 off coupons will double to 1.00 off...Your $1 coupons will double to $2 off... your $2 coupons will double to $4 off!

A couple of rules to follow though:

Here’s a few rules:

  • Coupon doubling cannot exceed price of item
  • Limit 1 coupon per item
  • Can only purchase 4 of the same items using double coupons
  • Excludes Buy 1 Get 1 Free Offers
  • Limit 10 coupons per customer per day (so choose wisely)
  • Excludes items limited by law - including alcohol, tobacco, and prescription medication
  • Not valid on non-merchandise, federal or state regulated items, prior purchases, Land’s End, Sears merchandise rung on Sear registers within Kmart and kmart.com
  • If you return an item, coupon amount may be deducted from refund
Enter your zip code here and you'll be able to see the new ad for the Kmart nearest you. If they are participating, the front page of one of the ads will say "Double Manufacturer Coupons up to $2".

NOTE: AZ shoppers, the online ad shows the 32nd st. Super K will be having doubles the week of July 5th! (UPDATE: That one is closed. Strange that it's on their site. Look for other AZ locations HERE.)

Here are some HOT printable coupons that will likely make for FREE or CHEAP products:

* $2 off Scott 4pk. paper towels - Use zip code 85032

* $1 off John Morrell Lunch Meat

* $1.50 off Pond's towelettes

* $1 off Del Monte Fruit Chillers

* $2 off Listerine - zip code 85032

* $1 off Goody Ouchless Hair Accessory

* $1 off Starbucks Ice Cream

* $1.50 off Wanchai Ferry Frozen Meal

* $1 off Eggo Bake Shop

* $1.50 off Scotchguard Oxy Spray

* $2 off Axe shampoo

* $2 off Dry Idea deodorant

* $1 off Special K crackers

* $.75 off King Hawaiian Bread

* Air Wick, Luminaire, $3 off, Print

* Banana Boat, $2, Print

* Bic, Soleil Razor or 4pk Refill, $2 off, Print

* Biz, Stain Fighter, $2 off, Print

* Clean & Clear, $2, Print

* Command Metal Hook. $2.50, Print

* Contessa Micro-Steam Meals, $2, Print

* DiGiorno Flatbread Melts $1.50, Print

* Joint Juice, $1 off Any, Print

* Pledge, Fabric Sweeper for Pets, $2 off, Print

* 8th Continent soymilk $2 off,

* Oxy Products, $1.50, Print

* Post, Trail Mix Crunch, $2, Print

* Preparation H, $2 off, Print

* Sabra Hummus,10-17 oz, $1.50, Print

* Sabra's Mediterranean Garden Variety salsa and vegetable dips, $2 off any 14 oz., Print,

* Seventh Generations, Baby Products, $2 off any, Print

* Thermacare, 2-ct or +, $3, Print

If you know of any other coupons that would make for a great,
leave it in the comments or drop me an email and I'll add it to the list
(with credit to you, of course)!


  1. 32nd St and Cactus/51 has been an empty shell with a 'For Rent' sign for months!

  2. That's what I thought!! I wonder why they have it listed on their site... so weird!

    12025 NORTH 32ND STREET
    PHOENIX, AZ 85028
