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Monday, July 6, 2009

*CLOSED* Turtle Chex Mix Bars (2 Winners)

MyBlogSpark recently sent me a gift basket full of pampering goodies and a super-special treat: Turtle Chex Mix bars! I was in heaven!

After we put my daughter to bed, we both put our feet up and dug in to a box of the Turtle Chex Mix Bars. We have always been fans of Chex Mix snack mixes, but this was truly a new experience. My hubby kept referring to them as "granola bars," but there was nothing granola-y about them except maybe the fact that they have less than 150 calories per bar and provide at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving. (Bonus, right?)

Well, the big bonus comes with the first bite... I loved how these bars included the savory part of the Chex mix, the salty of the pretzel pieces, the sweetness of the chocolate bits, and the chewiness of the caramel. At first bite I was glad they were only 150 calories because I really wanted another. (Not because they're not big enough, but because I'm a piggy like that.)

MyBlogSpark wants you to try this tasty treat for yourself, so they have offering TWO readers each TWO boxes of the Turtle Chex Mix Bars!!!

Here's how to enter:
  1. Leave me a comment below telling me how you unwind at the end of the day. It's important that you leave your blog link and/or e-mail. To prevent spamming, type your email like this: gooddealgal (at) gmail (dot) com.
  2. Contest will close on Monday, July 20th at 12:00pm Arizona time. All comments will be closed at that point.
  3. The winners will be announced and notified via email. He/She will have 24 hours to respond before I select another winner.
Want Extra Entries?
  1. Subscribe to The Good Deal Gal and leave a separate comment telling me you're in! If you already subscribe, leave an extra comment telling me so.
  2. Follow me on Twitter . Leave a separate comment telling me you're following.
  3. Buzz about this giveaway on your blog and come back and leave the link.
  4. Grab my blog button (to the left) and add to your blog. Come back and let me know where I can see it.
  5. Become a fan of The Good Deal Gal on Facebook (totally new - as of 1 day - for me so I'd love to connect with everyone there too!
So, that's SIX chances to win!

Good Luck to everyone!! :)

Meanwhile, head on over HERE to print off $.60 off coupons for Chex Mix Bars! I have a feeling that these will be at a great price with the upcoming back-to-school sales coming. (Hit the back button and print twice.)


  1. To wind down at the end of a day, I find myself just relaxing in front of the TV watching some shows that I have DVR'd with my hubby while he massages my feet. Just the perfect way to wind down after my hectic schedule as a transcriptionist, mother to a 12-year-old daughter, and wife to my wonderful husband (who happens to be blind, thus at times making things even busier)...wouldn't change a thing though.


  2. Hello! I just joined as a fan at Facebook. It looks great.

    What do I do to unwind at the end of the day? I like to watch a little TV, read a chapter or two of my book, and brush my teeth. That gets me to stop eating and then it feels like it's time to wind down.


    black (dot) amanda (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. to unwind at the end of the day I have a glass of merlot wine and sit with the kids whoever is availabel mind you, and ask about each ones day. Then we kind of just recount funny stories and times. It honestly take all of 15-20 minutes in all but it is a nice way to roll into the evening and the end of the day.
    pavanco1(at)embarqmail. (com)

  4. To unwind I like to watch TV, talk with my husband, and lay on the couch. Sometimes I like to talk a walk to relax too. My email is nae7130@hotmail.com

  5. How I unwind at the end of the day is I like to curl up on the bed and read a book.

  6. I am a subscriber

  7. I'm a new fan on your Facebook!

  8. sounds delicious!

  9. I curl up in bed and read a magazine and watch the news with my hubby.

  10. I am already an avid, addicted subscriber!! :)

    cslovek (at)cox (dot) net

  11. I love to sprawl out on a sofa with a great book and an apple or an ear of corn and just read!

  12. I am already a subscriber!

  13. tama.star (at)yahoo (dot) netJuly 8, 2009 at 11:12 PM

    After the kids have quietened down, I read a few chapters by dimmed light and relax in the bedroom. I try to stay away from the noise and light of the tv and in front or the fan for white noise. Works great for me!

  14. To wind down- we pop in a movie, or watch one of our favorite shows and relax; usually there is a massage in there- either foot or head- we take turns.
    These look sooooo yummy!
    pattidv at gmail dot com

  15. I subscribe via email
    pattidv at gmail dot com

  16. I follow on Twitter MonCherie777

  17. candice(at)slappe(dot)comJuly 14, 2009 at 9:45 PM

    I'm in!

  18. candice(at)slappe(dot)comJuly 14, 2009 at 9:45 PM

    Unwinding that I do is catching up on email.

  19. candice(at)slappe(dot)comJuly 14, 2009 at 9:46 PM

    I am a new fan on FB!

  20. I have a job that tends to get me very stressed, so at the end of the day I like to go to the gym and have a good work-out session (Body Combat is a favorite!), and afterwards go home and have a long bath with a good book...
    I'd loooove to get some Turtle Chex Mix!!

    sarahjan (at) sas (dot) upenn (dot) edu

  21. Just subscribed plus I'm a fan on Facebook. (Don't want to miss ANYTHING!)

    To unwind.... I come home, put on my jammies get a cool beverage and head to the computer to catch up with friends and see if I sold anything on Amazon or Ebay.

  22. I unwind from the long day by picking up my 4-year-old son from camp, giving him a big hug & telling him how much I missed him. We go home & play with his Thomas trains before dinner. Then dinner is served. After that we head up for fun bath time, book reading, then tuck my little boy into bed. Believe it or not, but this is unwinding to me after a long day's work. Before I head to bed, I usually have a glass of red wine & take a quick bath. Then off to bed to get ready for the next day.
    ariangordon7( at) aol (dot) com

  23. Unwinding at the end of the day is knitting or cross-stitching while watching TV. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  24. I subscribe by email. Thanks!

  25. I joined facebook - Thanks!

  26. I grab a snack and a drink and lay down and watch law and order ci

  27. I putter around organizing stuff, or read, maybe fix a drink.
    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  28. I'm a subscriber.
    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  29. I always love ending the day with a cold yummy dish of ice cream with my hubby catching up on my shows with DVR. Thank goodness for technology that I can watch my favorite shows when it's convenient for me!

    beccaneck at yahoo dot com

  30. I'm a subscriber!
    beccaneck at yahoo dot com

  31. I have your button on my blog!
    beccaneck at yahoo dot com

  32. I unwind at the end of the day with a long hot bath!(after the kids go to sleep)

    jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

  33. I subscribe!!

    jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

  34. To unwind at the end of the day, I like to lay on the couch and read books with my son.

  35. I'm an email subscriber.

  36. Usually watch TV--comedies are good for relaxing me....

    karin56381 (at) gmail.com

  37. I unwind by putting on a good movie with something sweet in one hand and a tall glass of milk in the other! :)


  38. I'm subscribed to TGDG! :)

