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Friday, July 24, 2009

Old Navy Weekly Coupons : Printable Coupons

UPDATE: Although the page looks the same, it appears they did re-set last night. (I'm kind of getting tired of the Old Navy "game.") There is a 25% off coupon left: Move the apple to the golf club and then click on the club.

These are left:

* 15% off- Drag khaki pants and put on boy in bottom

* 10% off uniform item: Drag the yellow polo shirt and put on on the boy who is golfing

* $15 off $75 ore more - Watch the video and keep clicking in the bottom left corner {i couldn't get this to come up}

Go HERE to get your coupons!


  1. The coupons did reload last night about 10 or 10:30pm est. ON's getting sneaky, though and the page still pretty much looks the same, but they changed the coupons around.

  2. OH, and they still have some 25% off if you move the apple by the putter near the top of the screen, then hit the putter. The apple will fly and you'll get 25%!

  3. Thanks!! I probably would have been staring at it all night. lol

  4. That makes 2 of us. No more games.
