Living in a major city has its' perks - one being the coupon inserts that we get in our Sunday paper. Being up here in a super small town with 3 weeks of no inserts, I realize just how spoiled I am!!
If you are one of the many couponers who doesn't get all the Sunday inserts that the rest of us get, you can do something about it. You always have the option to print your coupons online at Coupons.com, RedPlum, and Smartsource (just to name a few), but now you can also start requesting to have Redplum coupon inserts mailed directly to you!!
Go HERE and enter your address. RedPlum will let you know which newspaper near you has the RP inserts and, if your paper does not usually have the inserts, they will let you know if you're eligible to request to have them mailed to you.
Thanks Money Saving Madness!
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