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Monday, August 10, 2009

SUPER HOT Printable Coupons -- Get them while you can!

I cannot even believe what great coupons are over at Coupons.com right now!! I just hope they're still there when I get back into town (and to a printer) next week.

Here's just a few of the HOT ones:

*** Don't forget to print twice! These could be gone in the next day or so -- you never know -- so print now!

$2 off a 12pk. of Coke at Rite Aid

.75 off Welch's Jam

$1 off California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizza

$1 off Welch's Juice

$1.50 off Huggies

$1 off Yoplait Yo-plus

$1 off Raisinets

TONS of Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, General Mills


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