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Friday, August 14, 2009

Old Navy Weekly Coupons Hiding Spots

Here's the hiding spots for Old Navy Weekly (the ones that are left):

$75 off $100 (Gone!)- Drag two of the papers w/ hearts of them and drop one in the far-right top corner of the two boxes next to the little girls' box.

$50 off $100 (Gone!)- Drag the trumpet from the bo's hand and drop on the girl's mouth in the green sweater.

25% off (Gone!)- Click on the white mouse by the two boys holding the trumpets.

$10 off $50 - At the bottom of the screen, drag the blue headhand over to the matching little girl that isn't wearing a headband

$8 off $50 - Click on the sandwich that the (pink shirt) girl is holding.

15% off - Click on "mobile" at the bottom and enter your cell. #

10% off - Click on the drink that the blond-haired woman is holding.


  1. Hey great blog - I think people are really starting to see the value by using internet coupons. Sites like yours and my favorite, http://www.zibogo.com are what helps people like me save money every single day. The services that you guys provide is so valuable to people like me and I thank you for it!

  2. THANK YOU!! This was great. My dd was sitting on her laptop and I told her how to do hers so she could print some out!! THANK YOU AGAIN!
