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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Old Navy Weekly Coupons Hiding Spots

Here's the hiding spots for Old Navy Weekly (the ones that are left):
  • $65 off $100 (GONE!)- Click where it says "Wesley's Winning Looks" and then click on the floating hearts
  • $45 off $100 (GONE!)- Click on Amy's necklace and then click compact in her hand when it closes
  • 20% off wyb a men's and women's item (GONE!) - Double click the argyle sweater on the blonde
  • $10 off $50 - Click on "special offers" at the bottom (left) and then click on "Cargo pants"
  • 15% off any men's item - Click and drag piece of red chalk to the tip of the pool cue
  • 5% off any yellow item- Click on the bottle of ketchup and drag to the hot dog son the sign below it


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