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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pond's Cleansing Towelettes: Review, Coupons, and Money Back Guarantee

You've probably seen all the coupons out there for Pond's Cleansing towelettes (like the $1.50 off coupons HERE and HERE) -- maybe you've seen Pond's towelettes on the shelves at your local drugstore or maybe you're like me and just hate having to wash your face at night when you're ready to fall on your face. :)

I was so happy when Rocket XL and Pond's sent me a 30-count package of their original cleansing towelettes because I love the idea and simplicity that comes with using towelettes. No extra tubes of cleanser, no washcloths, no separate bottle of eye makeup remover.... but how well could they really work, right?

The towelettes came in the mail when I was on vacation, so I actually received the package the night I got home. After a full day of traveling alone with a toddler, I needed a bit of, uh, freshening up. My makeup was crusty and I was a hot, sweaty mess by the time we finally made it home.

I was thrilled to rip open the Pond's towelettes because my other option was rolling into bed with my sticky face (probably not a good idea). The first thing I noticed was that Pond's were thicker towelettes than other brands I have tried. I also loved that they smelled great and, best of all, they worked...Really well! My waterproof mascara came off with no problems and the rest of my face ended up being squeaky clean. I half-expected to be left with a sticky residue on my face, but notta. I felt great again (well, I was still tired but at least I was clean).

It's no wonder my face felt clean... Pond's Towelettes remove up to 40% more dirt, oil and make up than other leading products and even waterproof mascara! You can see the difference HERE (really, go peek).

If you want to feel the difference, pick up your own Pond's Cleansing Towelettes (use the $1.50 off coupons HERE and HERE). Not only are they hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested, but Pond's even offers a money-back guarantee. You can nothing to lose!

Check out the three varieties and learn more out Pond's Wet Cleansing Towelettes HERE!


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