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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Clearance Deals Around Town

I had quite a few errands to run yesterday and one of them involved popping into Target for some more OMop floor cleaner and some Burt's Bees baby wash. Since I was there (with my 'lil peanut) we sashayed over to the toy aisle just to "look."

Our Target had one toy aisle that was 30-50% off and another aisle with 75% off! It looked somewhat picked over and not a huge selection, but definitely worth checking out if you're into stocking up on birthday gifts and all that.

That's how we ended up with this guy... We first saw the Fur Real Panda friend around Christmas and Miss E just melted for his little coos and movements. Since there was no way I was going to spend $40 for another fuzzy friend (even if he did play peek-a-boo), we dismissed ever owning an animated panda bear.

....until we saw him sitting there amongst all his other Fur Real friends with a bright red sticker that read "$9.50!"

Now, I'm not usually in the habit of buying my daughter toys for no apparent reason, so I justified it by telling myself (and her) that she had to pick 5 more toys at home to donate. More than happy to oblige, she proudly carried "Happy Mr." out the door and he rode perched on her lap the whole way home. He's actually very sweet and stayed in bed with my daughter until I heard him snoring. :) Good thing I found the 'off" button.

Anyway, we also spotted a couple Leapfrog Click Start games for around $5, Tag Jr. books for $3 (I think), My little Pony playsets for $8 and more...I just can't remember them all.

If you're going to swing in Target (pronounced Tar-jay), check out their clearance racks of clothes and shoes. Lots for 30-75% there too.

Since we were already at Desert Ridge and I had a 25% off at Old Navy coupon, we headed over since all clearance merchandise is an ADDITIONAL 50% off! I scored winter coats that were normally $50 for just $5, pj pants for $2, sweaters for $3 and more!

If you want to head in before the selection runs dry, go to OldNavyWeekly because you can still get a 10% off coupon by moving the green headband from the blonde model and dropping in on the brunette model. OR, get a $10 off $50 by swapping the green men's muscle shirt with the blue t-shirt on the right.

Overall, we did really well - got a lot for very little, that's what it's all about.

When Hubby's gone, the girls will play.... ;)


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