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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've Been Copied!!!

One of my fellow bloggers, Ginger, so graciously pointed out to me something terrible - but I'm so glad she did!

It seems that my posts (and other sites as well) have all been copied, word-for-word and literally posted on another website.  No doubt this is a spam site, so I don't recommend visiting it.

EVERYTHING I have posted -- my deals, coupons, freebies, Welcome message, tips, news about my daughter's tonsillectomy have ALL been copied to this spam site. Luckily, I don't post many personal pictures/info. but when I saw a picture of my little girl's tiny hands holding some tomatoes from the garden, I about lost it. 

First and foremost because it's a huge violation....I work hard at keeping this site up and to include a teeny-tiny bit of my personal life just to have it spewed all over some robot site - ticks me off.  Besides the fact that I have a copyright protection on this site, I despise cheating, lying and stealing.

Second of all, when it comes to websites, having double the posts out there isn't necessarily a good thing.  Search Engines don't take kindly to duplicate sites -- in fact, MY website can be shut down because of this!!  Overnight all of my hard work can be shut down by Blogger because of this guy.  If my site is suddenly gone, you know why.  Don't worry, I'm fighting back and I'll do my best to see that it doesn't happen.

*insert bad word here*

No doubt this loser who is copying my site will stupidly copy this post too (s/he copied my giveaways for goodness sakes), so I'm writing this post to clear things up.

Dear Website Thief at http://specials.dealcenterblog.com,
Whoever you are, get a life....  Remove my posts.  
Forget my name.  Lose my URL.
Read up on Copyright Infringement-- you'll need to understand it since I will be filing a notice with the DMCA.  

NOTE:  If you are reading this post from  http://specials.dealcenterblog.com/  understand that this post has been copied and taken without my consent. I am the original author and owner of this content at The Good Deal Gal, and the website "creator" at http://specials.dealcenterblog.com has STOLEN my information including personal information about myself and family.

So, my fellow bloggers, any of you have a similar experience....any advice for this this scumbag?


  1. i am so sorry that you are going through this

  2. I have not had this happen that I know of, (who would WANT to copy MY posts???) but I know several others who have.....that is awful!!!
    I'm so sorry.


  3. I'm sorry to hear this, I strongly rely of your sites & others to keep me in the loop and you losing your site due to some idiot like that is unethical. I really hope things get resolved quickly for you. PS, I'm very sorry that they spammed your daughter...this is NOT right!

  4. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am a big fan of yours. I hope nothing happens with your site. Keep up the great work.

  5. Thanks so much, guys! I'm going to do everything I can to get this bad guy. I'm just really creeped out after seeing my daughter's pic and info. about our family, not that it was too personal - still creepy. I guess it just goes to show you that we're never fully safe.

  6. Yikes! I'm so sorry. What a dirtbag!

  7. Sucks that someone copied your site...but the new layout is very nice and it looks great. Love your site!
