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Monday, June 14, 2010

No Weekly Menu This Week

Oy vey --  we're so out of control over here that I'm not even going to attempt any sort of "plan."

Our fridge broke last week...completely died.  I crammed whatever I could into our deep freezer and the rest was given to our neighbors (and the dumpster...ugh).  Hubs was, of course, out of town on business, so I felt like a single-Amish mama.  (OK, that's a bit of a stretch.) But, seriously, I realized how spoiled we are!

We just got the fridge/freezer fixed -- hundreds of dollars later -- and just when I was going to work on restocking it, we had some family emergencies.

Eesh - It never ends.  

Needless to say, 'planning' anything would be a joke and probably a waste of time.  I'll likely dig through the deep freezer and rely on frozen veggies to pull us through.  Maybe I'll pop into Sunflower on double-ad day - we'll be alright, I'm sure. ;)

I did, however, manage to make some homemade quinoa bars, flax granola cereal, homemade refried black beans (for freezer burritos), and a fresh loaf of gluten-free bread.

What's in your fridge this week??


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