"There seem to be so many daily deal sites out there.
Are they worth signing up for? And, is there a catch?"
You'll often see me post "Today Only" deals for daily deal sites. If it's a really great deal, then I'll probably tell you about it. If it's an OK deal that I don't feel like would benefit most of my readers, then I won't post it.
I will say that I thought there would be some sort of catch with these daily deal sites because, really, to save 75% off a massage just seems too good to be true. But, alas, I checked it out... I bought, I redeemed, I was more-than happy and now, I'm hooked!
I recommend signing up for all the major deal sites with a separate email. Go to Gmail and sign up for a FREE email and use that one when signing up for these sites. Not because they 'spam' you or anything, but because you will find it much easier to sort through all the great deals when they aren't buried in with all the other emails you have.
Pay attention to areas/cities other than your own.... lots of times readers will email to let me know of a deal in their city BUT it's an online company so anyone can purchase it!
Also, pay attention to the terms and details on each gift certificate. Some will allow you to purchase more than one (or only use one per person), some cover shipping/some do not, some expire in a year/some in a few months. Other than those details, which are always very visible and up-front, there is no catch...just cheap gift certificates!
Only buy what you would really use or what you would like to give as gifts. Keep in mind that it's never a deal if you are never going to redeem the gift certificates or it's not something you necessarily need.
For example, last week's Eversave deal for the dried fruits & nuts worked for us because those are items I use for baking or as snacks. To get all that delivered to my door for so cheap was a great deal!!
And, finally, keep checking those sites since the deals change DAILY!!
Here's are my favorite daily deal sites:
*** NOTE: I will add a button for each of these of my right sidebar. If you don't want to sign up for the emails just yet, just click on those links to see the daily deals.
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