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Saturday, December 25, 2010

{giveaway} $100 Amazon.com e-gift certificate

Well, we're wrapping up our 25 Days of Giveaways and what better way to say "Thank You" than to give away a $100 Amazon e-gift certificate to one lucky reader!

You all have been so supportive and sweet throughout the year, and I really feel blessed to 'serve' you in some small way.  The daily emails from you all with your gracious words, heartwarming stories, and the ways that you all have found to overcome your current struggles encourages me to be a faithful steward.

We all are in different 'boats' (financially, emotionally, physically, etc.) but the absolute truth is: we are ALL in the SAME boat.  Our purpose here is to love one another and serve one another -- and I truly hope you get that here.

My hope here at The Good Deal Gal is that your family can be blessed and that you are encouraged & equipped with the tools you need to be good & faithful stewards -- I pray that you use your stewardship to love and serve eachother.

Now, on to the giveaway {enough of the mush-talk}...

One Lucky GDG Reader will win a $100 Amazon e-gift certificate!!
{that should come in handy for picking up what you DIDN'T get for Christmas}

Wanna Win?
Here's how to enter:

1. Complete the entry form below. All information will be kept private.
2. Giveaway closes on Mon. Dec. 27th at 12:00pm MST 
3. Winner will be announced here (First Name, Last Initial) and contacted via email. He or she will have 24 hours to respond before I select another winner.

If you can't see the form below, go HERE to enter!


  1. Thank you for sharing deals with us on a regular basis and for sharing God's wisdom with us during this special holiday. It is a great witness. =-)

  2. Thank you so much, Glenda! What sweet, kind words! Many Blessings to you and your family!
