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Friday, December 3, 2010

{giveaway} Discovery Toys Friendship Island Game

My daughter is FIVE today (yay!) and has grown up so much in this past year.  She is building friendships and really becoming her own little person. I have no doubt that she will, one day, encounter hardships and difficulties with her friends and I strongly feel that part of my "job" is to teach her how to cope with those situations.

One of the BEST ways to teacher young children how to handle those situations is by modeling and through discussion.  Discovery Toys recently sent us "Friendship Island" to play together and with friends!

From their website:
"A unique, fun board game designed by educational experts to teach social and emotional awareness. Children explore issues related to making friends, being a good friend, and resolving disagreements in win-win ways. Include the whole family by utilizing the Easier and/or More Challenging playing cards and instructions, plus use the Parent Guide to encourage important family dialogue. Encourages great communication.
from 5y & up"

I loved the concept but really wasn't sure how well it would keep my (almost) 5-year old's attention.  She did pretty well, even though there were no lights and sounds (lol).  I really liked the questions that were asked.

Friendship Island teaches social skills and helps spark the communication for how to build & keep good friendships!

I would recommend Friendship Island for grades 1-3.  I think that, although a 5-year old can comprehend it, it would move quicker and (therefore) hold the attention of a slightly older child.

Wanna Win?
Here's how to enter:
  1. Complete the entry form below. All information will be kept private.
  2. Giveaway closes on Thursday, Dec. 9th at 12:00pm MST.
  3. Winner will be announced here (First Name, Last Initial) and contacted via email. He or she will have 24 hours to respond before I select another winner.
Disclosure: The information, prize pack and giveaway was provided by Discovery Toys. Discovery Toys has given me a Friendship Island game to facilitate my review/post. The opinions and comments in this review are my own and any compensation has not altered or influenced my statements and opinions.


  1. Happy birthday to your daughter!!

  2. Great giveaway and so fun its on your daughters birthday....my son turned five 2 days ago!
