Spending time as a family and interacting with your kids are crucial elements in developing strong family ties and close, trusting relationships with your children.
As the parents, you are in the driver's seat (most literally) in regards to when and how often your family unites. You never hear children complain that they wish their parents spent less time with them -- and how many parents look back on their child's youth wishing that they had spent more time at work?
Coming together as a family doesn't mean that you need to break your budget. In fact, there are plenty of FREE activities that your family can do that will bring you closer, relieve stress, and build lasting memories.
Here are 40 of my favorite family-friendly
(FREE and CHEAP) activities:
- Play Board Games
- Bake goodies for a sick friend or to cheer up a neighbor
- Have a game of tug-o-war
- Videotape eachother talking about your favorite memories or doing impressions
- Clean out your closets and take donations to the shelter
- Make a list of goals as individuals and as a family
- Make a family collage with magazine cutouts
- Go on an outdoor scavenger hunt
- Learn a new skill or song together
- Start a family blog
- Organize a potluck party
- Visit a free museum or other attraction nearby
- Cook some freezer meals -- put everyone to work
- Have a spelling or math bee (kids LOVE this!)
- Play a game of soccer or football
- Organize your old photo albums
- Scrapbook new pictures
- Have movie and popcorn night
- Go for a bike ride (don't forget to wear those helmets!)
- Help cleanup the neighborhood
- Set up a lemonade stand
- Read an interesting book together -- read your favorite parts of the Bible
- Start a compost bin
- Plant some new seeds and keep a growth journal/chart
- Have a yard sale (and make some money!)
- Pratice a foreign language
- Make homemade Christmas cards
- Set up an obstacle course (fun, fun)
- Make Play-doh
- Start a family prayer journal
- Write letters to your future children/grandchildren
- Make a time caspule (put letters inside) with momentos from this year -- bury in backyard
- Make Christmas ornaments and calendars for next year
- Plan a dream vacation (who knows, maybe one day you'll get to go!)
- Go to the park and hit the playground
- Play a game of Frisbee at the park or fly a kite
- Have the kids pick out toys to donate to a younger child
- Give compliments to eachother and lots of hugs
- Send e-cards to friends and family
- Pray with eachother - it cost nothing but time, and God's all ears! :)
Enjoy your time with your family! You've got one shot at their childhood -- make it memorable and filled with support, strength, and love.
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