If you haven't done so already, you should really sign up to be a product tester. It is a great way to get free products and buzz to your friends about the new products you've tried. I have posted before about a couple of other sites: BzzAgent, HouseParty, SheSpeaks, and VocalPoint.
Since that last post, I have been invited to test Barilla pasta for House Party and Smucker's Uncrustables for BzzAgent. They mail me the products (or coupon for free products) and I try them out and invite others to try them out... you know, spread the word. BzzAgent is a little more involved (you have to review websites to earn invitations), but HouseParty took less than 3 minutes to sign-up and, here I am, trying pasta!
I haven't received anything from SheSpeaks yet, but others have and it's an easy, free sign-up.
VocalPoint is a must-do! You spend a couple of minutes signing up and they, in turn, mailed you gobs of coupons for products. The premise is that you'll hand out some of those coupons to family and friends to help spread the word so everyone can try the products. For example, last month I received a booklet of Kashi Go Lean Coupons... 2-$2 off coupons and about 6-$1 off coupons. It just so happened that the next week Target was having a Kashi sale. Long story, short... I got 4 boxes of Kashi cereal for FREE.
Here are a couple more easy sign-ups:

General Mills:
* You will receive free products or coupons for free products.
* It is based on the responses you give and not everyone will be accepted. But still worth a shot!
* It appears they will actually pay you to sample their products.
* Go to"click here" about half way down the page.
After you register hit submit button. You can also call 410-771-7641
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