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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saving Money at the Grocery Store

Fry's, a Kroger chain, is my store of choice... It's close to our house, very clean, and they double coupons everyday! Some days they even triple coupons (up to $1.00). Fry's has a VIP card that instantly saves you money at checkout, and they accept Internet coupons as well.

  • Clip Those Coupons - By studying the weekly store ad, using Internet/other manufacturer coupons, and using my Fry's VIP card, I am able to cut our grocery bill by 40-80%. Many items end up being free -- they are already on sale and, when combined with a coupon, I get it for free. Whatever freebies/cheapies you don't use, donate to a friend or shelter.
  • Plan Ahead - I plan out weekly dinner menus. This helps me determine what I need to buy and helps avoid food going bad. Often times I will adjust our dinner menu to coordinate better with the store ads.
  • Eat More Veggies - Our family mainly eats a vegetarian diet, but we occasionally (a handful of times a month) eat chicken or fish. Substituting meatless meals a few times a week will not only help on your budget but you'll reap the benefits of eating more veggies! Buying grains, legumes, beans in bulk (even organic varieties!) is cheaper than buying meats which are difficult for the body to digest. One of our favorite meals is Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms and quinoa with roasted vegetables -- it's super cheap to make, very filling, nutritious, and so yummy!
  • Be Sensible - Just because it's on sale or you have a coupon for it, doesn't mean you should buy it! Stockpiling cookies, soda, or fruit roll-ups may be cheap but it's going to destroy your body. Grocery store shelves are filled with perservative-laden and artifically this-and-that foods - none of which are healthy for you or your family. Instead, stay away from those aisles and pick up a couple of extra bags of produce.
  • One of my favorite sites for getting the grocery store scoop is Pinching Your Pennies. You can search the ads by your state (Click on "Screaming Deals by State").


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