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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Recipe of the Week: Black Bean Burgers and Sweet Potato "Fries"

I never make "ham"burgers (errr, beef burgers)-- portabella burgers, yes. Veggie burgers, yup. Black bean burgers, mmmm hmmm. But red meat burgers just give me the heebies.

Not that you have to convert to vegetarian-ism to enjoy a meatless version, but if you're looking for a healthy, lighter twist on a classic this is one of my favorite recipes for a tasty Black Bean burger.

NOTE: Add your own twist, toppings, etc. Doctor it up just the way you like it. I load mine up with spinach leaves, tomatoes, avocado, sprouts and mayo.
* I have no idea where this recipe came from; it was just in my Recipe files.

Black Bean Burgers


* 1 (16 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed
* 1/2 green bell pepper, cut into 2 inch pieces (I like red peppers better.)
* 1/2 onion, cut into wedges
* 3 cloves garlic, peeled
* 1 egg
* 1 tablespoon chili powder
* 1 tablespoon cumin
* 1 teaspoon Thai chili sauce or hot sauce (can do without)
* 1/2 cup bread crumbs

  1. If grilling, preheat an outdoor grill for high heat, and lightly oil a sheet of aluminum foil. If baking, preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C), and lightly oil a baking sheet.
  2. In a medium bowl, mash black beans with a fork until thick and pasty.
  3. In a food processor, finely chop bell pepper, onion, and garlic. Then stir into mashed beans.
  4. In a small bowl, stir together egg, chili powder, cumin, and chili sauce.
  5. Stir the egg mixture into the mashed beans. Mix in bread crumbs until the mixture is sticky and holds together. Divide mixture into four patties.
  6. If grilling, place patties on foil, and grill about 8 minutes on each side. If baking, place patties on baking sheet, and bake about 10 minutes on each side.
And, every Black Bean beauty needs its very own side of Sweet Potato fries, right?
Baked Sweet Potato Fries

* 1 1/2 lbs. sweet potatoes
* 2 Tbs. olive oil
* 1 tsp kosher salt
* 1 tsp paprika
* 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Line baking sheet with foil.
  3. Peel sweet potatoes and slice into 1/2 wide strips.
  4. Put sweet potato pieces into a gallon Ziploc bag.
  5. Mix olive oil, paprika and cinnamon in a bowl.
  6. Add oil mixture to bag and shake to coat.
  7. Spread potato pieces out onto baking sheet in a single layer and sprinkle with salt.
  8. Cook for 30 minutes, turning about halfway through cook time.
NOTE: If they are still not crispy enough for you, try doing a low broil for a few minutes.

There you go! Nothing to feel guilty about with this meal! ;) Unless, of course, you're like me and make a chocolate malt for dessert!


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