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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekly Menu - Week of 8/30

We are starting (officially) our homeschool routine this week, so it's all about getting used to our new routine and making things easy for Mom. ;)


  • Hard boiled egg and flax toast
  • Dry cereal and bananas x2
  • Kashi waffles and orange juice
  • Peanut butter banana smoothies and flax toast
  • Steel cut Oats and applesauce
  • Walnuts and Grapes
  • Peaches with yogurt
  • Apple slices and peanut butter
  • String cheese and whole grain crackers
  • Red Pepper strips and dip
  • Carrot sticks and dip
  • Caprese Mini Sandwiches and Black Bean Salad
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly, Apple Slices, Cheese Stick
  • Roasted Vegetable Mac and Cheese and “Chick’n” Nuggets (Morning Star)
  • Leftover Spinach Ravioli and veggie bites
  • Tuna Melt with cheese
  • Veggie burger patty (Morningstar) w/ cream cheese, coleslaw, and red peppers
  • Leftover Sloppy Lennies and fresh veggies w/dip
  • Spinach and Mozzarella Ravioli w/ spinach salad
  • Tomato Basil Soup, Spinach salad & cornbread
  • Black Bean Tacos
  • Veggie Frittata
  • Roasted Vegetable Skewers and Mushroom Risotto
  • Fish Fingers (fish sticks), smashed sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli
  • Sloppy Lennies and coleslaw
What's on your plate this week? If you have a weekly menu plan on your blog or site, leave a link below in the comments.


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