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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Swagbucks FREE Codes = FREE Stuff

If you are not down with Swagbucks yet, get on board already! Seriously, what are you waiting for? ;) I, honestly, feel that Swagbucks is one of those things that is not a waste of time for me.

Every time you use Swagbucks' search engine (and who doesn't use a search engine when on the web?), you can earn points to be used for prizes such as gift cards, books, and more -- and now you can even convert your points to cash with PayPal payment! My favorites are the Amazon, Target, and Starbucks gift cards but they also have some great prizes in their Swag store.

I can't tell you how many times a month I cash in my points for Amazon gift cards... now I'm all set to buy some Christmas gifts on Amazon that won't cost me a thing!!

Now they have launched a new & improved Swagbucks toolbar has arrived. This toolbar is FREE (as is Swagbucks) and carries essentially every function of Swagbucks.com itself! The single best feature is the function that existed on the toolbar all along and that is the ability to Search&Win. Just sign up/log-in and download the toolbar for FREE!

In addition to the toolbar, Swagbucks will be doing toolbar exclusive Swag Codes during the entire month of September including today. They'll be running at least one code per day this month IN ADDITION to other codes we run on our other sites and tools. In fact, a Newsletter is going out today and as always, it will have a Swag Code. But, if you want to get that code now, it'll be in the toolbar. :) You could earn 30 FREE points just this month alone!

And, stay tuned, because Swagbucks will also be announcing their version of BINGO called "SWAGGO" where you can win thousands of codes and FREE stuff!

Go HERE to sign up and download the new toolbar!


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