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Friday, October 16, 2009


With the in-laws in from Germany and my plate overflowing, I am taking a much-needed blog-cation! We are driving out for a little time at Disneyland to celebrate my birthday on Sunday, and I'm not taking my laptop (I'm forcing myself to leave it at home).

I've printed off the coupons I'll need and that's about all the deal-finding I can take for the next several days. ;)

I really believe that every blogger needs to take breaks often, and now it's my time. So, we're off to relax and celebrate!

I'll be back early next week and will ease back into posting deals. In the meantime, you can check out Sunday's CVS ad (10/18) HERE or the Walgreen's ad (10/18) HERE.

Have a great weekend everyone! Catch ya' when we get back!! :)


  1. Have a great time Rachael! Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all your blogging.

  3. Happy Birthday Rachael!!!!
    Be safe and have a wonderful time!!!!
