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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Inbox Overload

If you have submitted a deal, sent me an email, sent an inquiry, etc. please be patient. My Inbox is the fullest it has ever been since I didn't touch my computer for about 4 full days. I will do my best to personally respond to as many emails as I can, but if you don't hear back from me and you still have a question please feel free to send me another email.

I sat down several times in the past 2 days trying to "get caught up" on emails and it seems like I didn't even make a dent.

If you submitted a deal, thank you! I'll do my best to post it with credit to you, although there may be some that I will not have time to post.

Thanks to everyone for all your patience while I get back into the groove of blogging and while we enjoy the last few days of our family being here.


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