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Sunday, October 11, 2009

What'd I get for FREE in my mailbox, you ask? (How about a FREE Wii?!)

I took advantage of the Wii price drop and Amazon gift card deal, for sure! I used my Amazon gift cards that I earned through Swagbucks to get my Hubby an early Christmas gift (He has been working so hard!). Not only did I get it for FREE (plus an extra remote), I ordered it within the promo time window so I got a FREE $25 Amazon gift card on top of it all!! I cashed in some more Swagbucks for Amazon gift cards and was able to get a Wii Fit too! The rest of my earned Swagbucks will pay for Christmas gifts... love Swagbucks! (Read about Swagbucks HERE!)

This was one of those things that we both really wanted, not needed. We both work hard and have had a blast spending time together playing! :) This was definitely the best FREEBIE

Last week was kind of slow in my mailbox, so here's what I got over the last two weeks...

* Kashi Go Lean coupons from Vocalpoint
* Target coupons
* Kotex & FDS Sample pack and coupon
* Always Infinity sample and coupon
* Huggies sample and $3 off coupons
* Similac formula samples and bottle nipples and lots of checks (coupons)!!! Sign up HERE!
* $5 off Luvs diaper coupon (gone now)
* Aveda FREE $25 birthday gift voucher
* Clarins sample (gone now)
* Secret Clinical Deodorant Sample from Vocalpoint
* More L'Occitane Samples (I got another set of these a couple of weeks ago)
* Lever 2000 Sample (so tiny and cute!) gone now
* To-go brand drink samples (I don't remember signing up for these)
* Carnation Recipe booklet
* Philosophy samples
* Honey Nut Cheerios mini-box and $1 off coupon (my lil' one ate these up)
* Marie Claire magazine
* Body & Soul magazine
* Parents magazine
* Forbes magazine
* Women's Day magazine
* Family Fun magazine

TIPS for Getting FREEBIES:

* To be completely honest, I would hate filling out forms for FREEBIES and, as much as I love getting FREE stuff in the mail, I just wouldn't do it. My secret weapon is Roboform - a FREE download that allows you to click one button and fill out the entire form. It's a lifesaver! It also comes in really handy when you want to enter online sweepstakes. :)

* Another trick I use is using a separate Gmail account for all my online submissions. Set up a new Gmail account for FREE and use that address when submitting for FREEBIES... this way you can avoid spam and you can keep your regular Inbox clean.

So, what'd you get in the mail this week?


  1. Wow! What a fantastic deal you scored on that Wii & accessories! I'm SO jealous! =] Love your blog!

    Tiffany @ Real Simple Saving Methods

  2. Free wii...that's amazing! WTG :)
