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Monday, December 14, 2009

Thank You!

The past two days have been busy with taking care of my Dad and there will likely be many more days like this over the next 4 months of chemo.

I opened by Inbox and was overwhelmed with JOY and pure GRATITUDE for all of your kind words, prayers, thoughts, and even the deals.

You, my peeps, are simply amazing. It brings tears to my eyes to know that somehow our lives are colliding -- never met in "real" life, but you all mean something real to me.

So, thank you. Thank you for caring and for being there while we go down this bumpy road. Your giant hearts are felt and very much appreciated.

For all of you who expressed concern, my Dad is feeling a bit better but very run down. Chemo will do that to you. He had a blood transfusion yesterday and has a tough treatment next week. We just need to keep his body healthy and bring up his dangerously low white blood cell count.
Gosh, I love that man.

For the near future, things may slow down a bit on the blog, but since I do my best blogging at night (all warm and cozy in my bed), I just may be able to keep it up. I appreciate those of you who have written to support my "Family First" plan and, although my family always comes first, blogging/deal-hunting is actually a good distraction during my alone time. :)

Again, thank you for being so awesome.




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