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Friday, April 23, 2010

Fresh Express: New Leaf Locator, Contest, and more!

Just about every night my family enjoys a hearty salad with dinner:  tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, feta, seeds and, of course the lettuce.  I could live on salads.  If it's not grown in my own backyard, though, I gotta admit I wonder where it came from.

This summer my garden lettuce is sure to wilt outdoors, but Fresh Express makes it so easy to keep up with the favorite part of our meal.  Not only is Fresh Express known for their crisp, delicious blends (I heart the Sweet Butter blend) and their easy-peasy Complete Salad Kits, but I'm super-excited to see Organic varieties popping up into stores!

Fresh Express (so thoughtfully) has taken care of the question:  Where does my lettuce come from?  
They have a created the Leaf Locator!

You just type-in the first letter and the 3-digits that are found on the front of your bag and within a few seconds you will know exactly where your lettuce grew, how they grew and even see a picture of your lechuga's homefront.  How cool is that?!!

For example, I found out the Hearts of Romaine is grown not too far from me in Yuma, AZ.  So neat!

Grab your bag of lettuce and check it out HERE -- where is your lettuce from?

P.S.  You can enter to win a YEAR'S worth of FREE salad HERE and don't forget to sign up for their e-newsletter to be the first to get new coupons and offers!

Disclosure:  Fresh Express sent me 3 coupons to use for review purposes.  The opinions and comments in this review are my own and any compensation has not altered or influenced my statements and opinions.


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