- Banana Bread, Hardboiled Eggs and Kefir Smoothies x2
- Grapefruit and Flax Toast w/ Almond Butter
- Smoothie & Cottage with Toast
- Steel-cut Oats and Berries x2
- Hardboiled Eggs and Blueberry Toast
- Veggies: Kale, Cucumbers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Onions, Lettuce, Green Beans, Peas, Carrots, Zucchini (I LOVE having this much fresh produce to play with!)
- Fruits: Bananas, Tangerines & Lemons (thanks Dom!), Grapefruit (thanks Paul!), Apples, Avocados, Tomatoes, Blueberries, Cherries
- Cheese - Tillamook Cheddar, Cream Cheese, Cottage Cheese, String Cheese
- Quinoa Granola
- Greek Yogurt (plain, fat-free)
- Plain Organic Kefir
- Almond Butter/Peanut Butter & Graham Crackers
- Crockpot Applesauce
- Cauliflower Mac and Cheese
- Fish Fingers (fish sticks) and veggies
- Grilled Tomato & Cheese and Salad
- Chicken Salad Wraps
- Lunch Date
- Leftovers x2
- Wild Salmon and Roasted Veggie & Quinoa Pilaf
- Vegetarian Tamale Pie (didn't end up making this last week)
- Chipolte Chicken Salads
- Butternut Squash Raviolli and Butternut & Red Pepper Sauce
- Grilled Veggie Naan Pizzas
- Kale and Roasted Veggie Soup (substitute zucchini for butternut), Salad and Cornbread
- Bible Study/Family Night at church
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