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Monday, May 23, 2011

{24 hr. giveaway} $50 VISA gift card

In celebration of its 50th birthday, Pampers is recognizing how much parenting has changed over the years, and is sharing their belief that every baby is a little miracle that deserves to be celebrated, supported and protected, by unveiling its Little Miracle Mission campaign – a program that delivers acts of kindness to miracles and their families while encouraging parents to support others.

Pampers recently challenged me to bless new/expectant mothers and babies by sending me a $50 gift card, to which I am stretching with coupons (of course!) and donating diapers, formula, toys, clothing and other second-hand items to a local mission that houses and supports new and expectant mothers.  I am so thrilled with this opportunity and have already gathered many items including a couple of computers!

EVERYONE can easily participate in the Miracles Missions programs and support little miracles across the country, by visiting Pampers Facebook page. Pampers is also asking everyone to pay-it-forward by participating in the first Little Miracle Mission- to congratulate and offer support to an expectant mother with a gift or surprise gesture. Pampers will issue different missions throughout the entire year to celebrate all aspects of parenthood, and with the help of parents, family and friends, they hope to touch the lives of every baby born in the next year.

I love this mission!!

One Good Deal Gal reader will be able to get involved in these random acts of kindness, too, with his or her very own $50 VISA gift card! 

Pampers would like to challenge you to find a way to celebrate, support or protect a new little miracle in your community.  Now what you do with that gift card is entirely up to you, but the challenge will be for you to decide its best use!  Some ideas include using the money to purchase diapers for a family who could use them, using the money to prepare meals for a family, or even using the money to host a larger fundraiser for a family.

Enter to win here:

Disclosure: Pampers has given me a $50 VISA gift card to use for donation purposes. The opinions and comments in this review are my own and any compensation has not altered or influenced my statements and opinions.


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